Blitz (454/640)

From:Vic E Babes
Date:18 Sep 99 at 13:28:42
Subject:Re: Executive update

I`ve just read the Executive Update on the Amiga site, and I`m disgusted.
This is just something soothing to stop people from e-mailing them. It is
now quite clear that they had no intention of making an Amiga, and all that
nonsense about third party developers is because they know about the Phoenix
Consortium, and Phase 5/QNX, so it costs them nothing to say that they may
licence the Amiga to them - and if it takes off, make loads of money in the
same way that Microsoft did.

Gateway have got what they wanted, and are now fobbing us off with the last
remaining straw for us to clutch at, in the hope that they will not be
bombarded with e-mails from the likes of us. Whatever Gateway/Microsoft do
from now on, I will be boycotting their goods.

The only good thing I`ve read recently, is the interview with Fleecy Moss on
the SEAL website.


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